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In Appreciation of Volunteers from Behind Bars

Writer's picture: Swop Behind BarsSwop Behind Bars

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_post_title admin_label=”Appreciating Volunteers” _builder_version=”3.11.1″ /][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.11.1″]

Stan was one of the first members who signed up for SWOP Behind Bars and he was the recipients of one of our Paralegal Scholarships last year. He is a street based survival sex worker who self identifies as a gay male and has several years left on his sentence/e  He has worked hard to improve his life through reading and studying. He got his GED thanks to one of our early donors to the GD Study Guide program and he is so grateful for all the kind wishes and emails he gets from his outside pen pals. He wrote this essay in appreciation of the volunteers who he has encountered on his journey.

Volunteers Being locked behind bars has a negative affect on the human mind.Some give up believing that hope for the future is possible. Others are faced with the knowledge that they’ll spend the rest of their lives incarcerated. It’s really a sad result to be faced with, but due too poor choices that’s the penalty one faces. That’s where the men and women who take the time to show compassion through giving their time make a difference in a inmates life. Light is the one thing that can’t be hidden with light comes love. When a person gives up on life on the power of loving light can bring hope back. Everyone is faced with the reality of falling short and the weak give up and stop fighting. While the strong give up and keep moving forward. The greatest gift that life has to offer is a second chance. When someone shows concern in a persons redemption it opens a door to change. So many times human nature is to be selfish, and unforgiving. For those of us who believe in Christ we can appreciate the power that forgiveness offers. True love is pure, but can be the hardest thing to give another person. That’s why I know how precious volunteers are. The gift of self is the most valuable thing another human has to offer. When we think of the Saints do we imagine how wonderful a gift that a volunteer gives. I know I’ve been blessed by the hope, and compassion given so freely. When I sometimes find myself feeling lost, and alone the bright light of hope comes shining through from another volunteer letting me know I have worth. Life is a wonderful gift that can allow us to give such great intriguing legacy. In these days and times we’re faced with our most destructive age in man’s existence. If we don’t start too learn to love one another destruction is inevitable. So to all the people who find it in their hearts to step out in blind faith, and give that truly selfless gift of being a volunteer may God bless,and keep you please know your loved. Peace&Love Thanks Always Stan


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